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While certainly not as exciting as finding a lost hiker, the astute among you will understand that the title of this post signifies the return of the lost mittens. Can I get a woo? And while we’re at it, how about a hoo?

The credit for the find is two-fold. Vicki suggested looking under the seats of the car. I had already done that, but I had only looked in the Jeep. Dale, always my hero, looked in the Suburban, and there they were, crammed between the two front seats.


And just in time, too, since we actually had a teeny bit of snow on Monday morning.

The return of the mittens meant really only one thing, though.


Now I shall have some pie. Chocolate cream pie, in fact, to match the mittens.



This Post Has 60 Comments

  1. YAY!!! The wayward mitten is home. For the pie too!
    I was so relieved to see that the hiker was found too. It seems like it was a good day all around!

  2. Woo as well as Hoo! That is wonderful news. No better way to celebrate than with pie! Life continues to be good!

  3. Oh yes, the car! I loose my gloves in that spot often. Vicki is so smart. Thank goodness the boy was found and thank you for bringing us the news. That pie looks too, too good.

  4. Yea! The mittens ARE a perfect match for the coat … and the pie looks delicious.

    Your food pictures always make me hungry.

  5. Love the mittens and the pie. I’m grateful your friend’s fiance was found but I had to chuckle. New Englanders have their priorities-Are you hurt..cold…hungry? These are not the first questions, no. Get the important information out first…The Patriots lost, then all other matters can be dealt with.

  6. Great post, Carole! A little trip down memory lane. (Do kids learn nursery rhymes anymore?)
    That pie looks delicious.

  7. Glad to hear the mitten was found!!! And, just as happy for the hiker being found…I had seen it on the news and watched last night as they showed him being brought out.

    Your pie looks absolutely sinful…I am not a good pie maker…darn wish I were…

  8. Mittens aren’t QUITE as nice as finding lost fiance/person, but I can see why you are so attached to them. šŸ™‚

  9. OH a WOOHOO x 100 girl! Congrats on the mittens but an even MORE emphatic woohoo over that chocolate creme pie!! Holy moly that looks fantastic!!

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