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Ten On Tuesday

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Ten on Tuesday post.  The themes just haven’t hit me for a few weeks but this week?  This week is a topic I can get behind.

10 Things You Like Doing on Vacation


1. Going to the beach.

2. Knitting at the beach.

3. Drinking at the beach.

4. Taking pictures at the beach.  Are you sensing a theme here?

5. Eating lobster after a day at the beach.

6. Walking on the beach.

7. Watching the sunset at the beach.

8. Going to the beach at night and seeing the moonlight dance on the water.

9. Finding shells, sea glass and other treasures at the beach.

10. Visiting, talking, and laughing.  At the beach.

In case you didn’t know – I love the beach!

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. i think that my boy would agree with you. he has never been to the beach. but he says that he likes it and it is the only thing that he can talk about!

  2. You should see my beach. We have one of the nicest beaches on Lake Michigan, tons of soft CLEAN sand and sandy bottom in the lake.

  3. Your photo is a little blast of warmth and hope on this cold, cold spring day in NE.

  4. Love the colors in that umbrella!! And, um, why yes! I know you love the beach!
    (If I hadn’t known before this post!)

  5. Ah, the beach! If I had to pick, the mountains would be my favorite place, with the beach being a close, close second.

  6. haha! so carole, do you enjoy the beach? 😉

    i am so looking forward to a relaxing beach weekend this summer!

  7. 😉 Reminds me of that game you play with the fortunes in fortune cookies – except you say “at the beach” after you read each one!

  8. You just described how I spend my summer…makes me itch for warmer days. The one thing I haven’t done yet is knit on the beach. Something about sunscreen getting on the fiber concerns me. However, my kids are older now so maybe I can give it a whirl.

  9. Your list is all about the beach – and mine is all about food! What can I say!!!

    Great photo!! And, I do love the beach – but, rarely vacation at it. Guess that comes from living in florida for so long.

  10. Me too!!! I love the beach–there is no place in the world better than a wonderful beach.

    I wish I were on a beach right now. We got 9 inches of snow yesterday 🙁

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