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This weekend included lots of fun, friends and food.

There was baseball where it was Country Night and you know we can’t resist a theme.

And there was a dinner with friends from our earliest days of reenacting.

There was another dinner with dear friends who we see frequently yet never enough.

There were 2 homemade blueberry pies.

And 6 lobsters.

A dozen ears of corn and 1 big pitcher of sangria.

There was a ride with Dale where a summer bouquet was purchased from a roadside stand.

And there were long talks and luxurious moments of just being together.

And, finally, a lovely Sunday afternoon to myself, complete with leftover lobster, catching up on podcasts and knitting.

It was a perfect 3 days at home.

How was your weekend?

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. You had a lovely weekend! Friday we had sushi with friends and heard about their Russian cruise, Saturday was Blazing Needles 5 anniversary, and the rest of my weekend was quiet, with and without Smith. But, I have no pictorial evidence, just my memories. I am a slacker. You do a great job of sharing you loveliest moments!

  2. Truly a delightful weekend! Ours was most excellent as well, yet sadly – no lobster. Maybe next weekend 🙂

  3. What a wonderful weekend! I hope there was some leftover blueberry pie to eat with that leftover lobster. I am completely impressed with your decorating skills; your sangria matches your plates and flowers perfectly!

  4. Ha ha comment: “can’t resist a theme”
    Yum yum comment: lobster, corn, blueberry pie
    Me comment: a heat-induced daze prevailed, and I did nothing at all

  5. It all looks wonderful. My weekend was quite humdrum by comparison: *laundry, yoga, nap, repeat from *. Happy new week, Carole!

  6. Lovely and the pictures are gorgeous! Our weekend included a couple of National Parks and Dan! It’s so great to see him. 🙂

  7. What a nice balance of socializing and solitude. The table setting is so gorgeous and I want some of whatever is in that pitcher!

  8. Beautiful weekend!!
    I had a weekend of Shakespeare–Thursday night Romeo & Juliet at our local Shakespeare festival (fabulous outdoor amphitheater!), Friday my daughter as Sylvia in Two Gentlemen of Verona, Saturday morning her friend as Orlando in As You Like It, and Saturday Evening it was Much Ado About Nothing at our local community theater (teen cast). I think I’ve been barded-out for a few weeks! Today, I did nothing but drive my kids where they needed to go, and knit on my socks..sweet recovery.

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