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Happy New Year 2015!

On this, the first day of the new year, I am ready to share with you my One Little Word for 2015. Of course I’m doing it with a photo.

grace for carole knits
It’s a bracelet from Keep Collective and it spells out my word, grace, with a crescent moon for the letter C. It’s funky and stylish and will serve as an awesome reminder of the way I want to live my life this year – with grace.

Grace at work and at home.

Grace in my relationships and in the way I talk to the people I love.

Grace while volunteering and serving the community.

Grace when welcoming and entertaining friends and family.

Grace in my actions and my words and my spirit.

I can’t wait to see how this word moves through my world in 2015.

Happy New Year, my friends!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. That is a fine fine word. There is so much (that I have seen) that you do with grace already. I will happily watch what you do with it this year.

  2. What a lovely word and lovely reminder you’ve chosen. Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and grace-filled year!

  3. What a great word to meditate on. Certainly an area I’ve been thinking about how to weave more deeply into my own life. I look forward to the occasional reminder in your posts. Wishing you a grace filled 2015!

  4. We can all work on approaching things with more grace. Thank you for the reminder. You are a person of grace and you’ll find it’s a word that already fits your life. xox


    Did you know that Hannah means “Grace” in Hebrew? That is my crazy little Yorkie’s name, but it doesn’t always fit her.

    My lofty ambitions for the new year are to knit more socks and to make a “Sew Together” bag. (It has FOUR zippers AND binding—please wish me lots of luck.)

    Happy & Healthy New Year.

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