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Macro Monday

A coleus leaf for Macro Monday:

I like the colors of this one and the veins in the leaf are pretty focused. I thought I had a handle on the process this week.  I took what I thought was a ton of photos of some flowers and foliage from my garden. I stabilized the camera with both hands and thought the images would be sharp.


Most were blurry at best. A couple were okay. None are truly sharp. It’s time to stop goofing around with this and get out the tripod.

The macro lessons continue.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Tough to complain about continual learning when it means getting up close with nature’s beauty. Happy Monday.

  2. Ooo! You are indeed brave! I am WAY too shaky to even attempt no tripod! But, I love your coleus leaf! It is so vibrant!

    I am wishing you an easy Monday… I hope that it is over soon! XO

  3. That is crazy beautiful Carole! Here’s to this day being a fast day and returning to our decks soon! 🙂

  4. I’m convinced that when I try to hold very still, I’m even shakier than normal! This is a lovely shot, though, so clearly something is working.

  5. ooohhh, doesn’t that leaf make you want to knit a two-color lace shawl? that green sure pops the edging!

  6. I recall that, though people think they’ll be steady if they hold their breath (which most equate with inhaling & holding), it’s actually holding after the exhale that results in a more steady shot.

    I love all the colors in this photo!

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