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One Little Word Update: January 2021

Today I’m sharing what I’ve done this month to bring my OLW, create, into my life.

Traditionally in January I look for ways to make my word visible. For the past few years I have purchased a pocket talisman from Liz Lamoreux of Soul Mantras. I keep this where I can see it regularly, generally in my kitchen on the window sill. I sometimes put it in my pocket or bring it to work and keep it on my desk.

This year I did something new and used Word Swag to make a background wallpaper for my iPhone with the word create at the bottom. It’s right there on my screen as a visual and frequent reminder and it helps me prioritize create repeatedly throughout the day.

I also started documenting my OLW journey with the prompts from Ali Edwards. The last time I did this was in 2018 but I stopped in April. These days I have a lot more art supplies for this sort of project, pens and paints and stamps and more. I think working in this binder every month will help me to stay on track with the prompts and I’m looking forward to not just recording my relationship with my word but also building something I can reflect back on when I think about create.

I think the things I’ve done so far are setting me up for a great year ahead with create. Thanks to Carolyn for hosting our monthly word round up, blogging about it is another important way for me to hold myself accountable for this work and I’m thankful y’all are reading and commenting.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. What a great start with your album, Carole! I LOVE the phone screen idea — may copycat you on that one. 😉

  2. Oh I love seeing those pages in your journal! One of the things I loved best about Ali’s January prompt was to capture yourself – love seeing YOU! I also think it’s an important step to make our words physically visible. my mug. your phone wallpaper. … good first steps!

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