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Monday On My Mind

I don’t know about you, but the passage of time feels really weird to me these days. I don’t mean that things are going super-fast or super slow, it’s more that I have a hard time remembering when, exactly, something happened. For example, there have been so many times when I’ve thought something happened last year and then I’ve realized it actually happened in 2019. I know it’s partly because there’s so much repetition to the things we are doing but I also think it’s because we didn’t have our usual . . . markers . . . for the passage of time in 2020.

And by markers I mean those things that define a year. Birthday parties, holiday gatherings, concerts and plays, dinner parties and vacations and more. Without those things to stand out as special, there was a sameness to 2020 that made it all blend together. I can’t help but wonder how long it will take for that feeling to go away.

It all makes me question what the markers for 2021 will be, the things that feel specific to the year that will help me to differentiate it from the previous year. Will it be before and after I was fully vaccinated? Will it be the first dinner party? The first time I hugged my father-in-law? The first in-person Kiwanis meeting? I feel like each of those things stands out right now as momentous.

And I want them to stay that way because, and maybe this is weird, I want to remember all of this. The weird time warp thing. The routine of going to work and going home. The monotony of being home every weekend. And then the freedom that started to creep in. The relief of resuming activities. The hope of a post pandemic time.  

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. I was talking with Heidi about this last week… this time that seems foggy. Journaling has helped me “lock” some things in, but yeah.. It is absolutely a warp.

  2. I’m glad to hear that others are having these same feelings. I can’t seem to get a grip on anything like I could before the pandemic.

  3. I can’t even count how many times I’ve talked about an event that happened “last year,” only to realize, of course, that it was two years ago. I think to myself, “2020 didn’t count.” But that’s not true either, it counted BIG TIME, just in a very different way. I’m fairly certain that I don’t even feel that foggy time warp as much as many others because, except for a few short periods (early quarantine last year and when I actually had Covid) the structure of my days was virtually unchanged. It’ll be interesting to see if I/we become more or less addled as time goes by! Heh.

  4. My friend JoAnne and are have been saying a lot lately – what month is it? Where are we in the year??? I’m like you – looking forward to making some fun memories again and looking back and saying remember in July…:-)

  5. YES!!! I am so grateful for my blog and my daily photo habits to help me document this time … it feels Most Momentous!

  6. I have that time-warp thing going on, too. . . I imagine things will kind of “even out” as we get further away from these past 14-15 months, but it’s definitely a weird “hole” in time. XO

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