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Hello, November

Don’t you love when the first day of the month falls on a Monday? It just feels like an extra perfect fresh start. So, today, I’m saying Hello to November.

Hello to a month that celebrates gratitude. And gatherings.

Hello to a month that will most certainly begin our season of hygge and hibernation.

Hello to falling leaves and diminishing sunlight and the emotions we feel as the end of the year draws close.

Hello, November.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Obviously, my feelings about November are a little less welcoming. I read your post title and it was in a perfect imitation of the old Seinfeld line, “Hello, Neumann”. Ha!

  2. Like Robby, my feelings about November are not as positive as yours. I really hate losing the light, and November is the month that seals the deal. I do love the colors, although I am not sure we are going to have much color this year. How’s yours?

  3. It is . . . tidy . . . when the beginning of new month lands on a Monday, that’s for sure! I don’t like the dark and the cold, but I love the “November feelings” of gratitude and thanksgiving. (And the food, too. . . ) XO

  4. Oh the darkness…but the generosity of the season is a bonus. I just love small business Saturday in our part of the world.

  5. I love the fall weather but even I am dreading the loss of light when we change the clocks next weekend. Time for more candles!

  6. OMG, Robby! “Hello, Neumann.”

    Davy fortuitously opened a drawer yesterday and discovered my stash of votives and tea lights… just in time, as we’re soon going to need all the extra light we can get!

    One big thing November has going for it in my book is that it’s my BIRTHDAY month!

  7. Today is my daughter’s birthday. Always a favorite day of the year. She made us into parents and we always find Joy in November!

    For us here, down south, it’s also the end of the oppressive heat, so we’re grateful for that. I’m in a sweater and wool socks for the first time this year.

    Happy November!

  8. I was so happy to get out for my walk this morning and see that November was coming in with sunshine and blue skies (even if it was a bit nippy out — but I was in wool socks and a hat and didn’t mind!). I am looking forward to a Thanksgiving that feels more normal, to my kid getting her vaccine shots, to sweater weather and baked goods and all the fall feels!

  9. I do love a month that has the grace to start on a Monday. thank you for a lovely post!

    I also love months that end on Sundays since I track my weeks M-S … February is the only candidate for such a perfect month, and Google tells me it will be 2027 … Google also reminded me that happened this year, and I’d completely forgotten!

  10. I agree… it is a very good thing when a Monday starts a month! And I love November and all it brings! I even appreciate the shorter days, and the colder weather… Nature in hibernation as well getting ready for spring!

  11. I love November in all her quiet shade of neutral beige and browns….it’s the next season I am less enthusiastic about.

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