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Eye Candy Friday



I hope you aren’t sick of leaves. Since I couldn’t decide which photo I liked better you get two this week. Can you handle it?

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Bring on the leaves! My eyes need lots of color now the light is waning. The colors are very similar to my Briar Rose Sonoma yarn that I’m using for my Totally Autumn Throw by Knitspot Anne.

  2. Oh sure, I didn’t need to breath…the photos took it away… seriously, they’re beautiful. Gracie and I drove around a bit (hit a couple of lys) and had a lovely time looking at the few trees that have changed colours… some really beautiful deep reds around town right now.
    Thank you!

  3. Can I handle it?! I will MISS seeing the leaves when the season fades away by the end of this month… happy fall weekend back there on the other coast.

  4. how could anyone be sick of all that beauty? ! never.
    thanks for sharing. Most of the leaves out here just get yellow (no truly deep reds like the east coast oaks)
    There are a few maples that look like your photos tho’ – and I luv ’em.

  5. I’ll never be sick of gorgeous autumn leaves. Bring ’em on!

    Except that I have to rake the lawn today, and I’m pretty sure that’s going to dampen my enthusiasm a bit.

  6. more foliage is better for us ex-pat New Englanders! Hope you don’t get too much horrible weather this weekend from T.S. Noel.

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