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Crocheting! I’m Crocheting!!

You may have heard this already but last Saturday my friend Maryse came over and taught me to crochet. I was so happy when she offered and even though it took a while for us to coordinate a date, it was well worth the wait.

I’ve tried to learn crochet before and just never been able to get the hang of it. Either I was in a completely different frame of mind or Maryse is a really good teacher. I’m thinking that it was Maryse. This is my first swatch:

You can see single, double and triple crochets there. It took a while to remember the stitches and it didn’t feel natural at all but I kept at it. Maryse made me. And when she left she told me I had to practice, practice, practice.

So I did. This is my first crochet dish cloth. I think it’s pretty okay.

And this is my second crochet dish cloth. I think it’s maybe even a little better than the first one.

At this point it’s not faster than knitting for me but I can see how it would be. And while the movements still don’t feel natural they are at least starting to feel familiar. This is a skill I’ve wanted to learn for a long time and I feel good about getting through my first pieces.

Thanks, Maryse! I couldn’t have done this without you!

This Post Has 41 Comments

  1. Great job on the crochet. I just learned too. Your beginner swatch looks like mine. I have trouble figuring out what the last stitch is in a row when crocheting in rows. You seemed to have figured it out on your dishcloths. How???? I have found that I can only crochet “in the round”. I’m good at granny squares and the like. I still can’t figure out crocheting “back and forth”. Any tips???

  2. Good for you. That’s something I’ve been telling myself I gotta learn, too.

  3. Looks like you’ve got it! Me? I have to relearn that skill every darn time I want to use it. Like even if I put the work down for an hour or two. Geesh!

  4. Congrats on the new skill! I learned to crochet years ago but knitting just feels better for me. I find that crochet hurts my wrist after a while. I do love granny squares though…

  5. YAY!! You did it! Because I learned crochet before knitting, I still think crochet is easier – especially for me to identify and count stitches. Go figure… Maryse is right – just keep practicing! Pretty soon, you’ll “see” the stitches and everything, just like you eventually did when you first learned to knit. (Was it hard for you to count your first gauge swatch? Especially your first one in garter stitch? I nearly went blind!)

  6. How fun! My daughter can crochet and I honestly can’t recall where she learned – she doesn’t know a lot of techniques yet, but she taught me to chain for provisional cast ons. She made a darling baby blanket that’s a blowup of your dishcloths.

  7. Your dish cloths look great! Do you think you’ll ever like it better than knitting? I learned to crochet before I learned to knit. Knitting feels much better to me. I guess I don’t hold the crochet hook right and it hurts my hand to crochet.

  8. I was a crocheter before I became a knitter…it is faster and much more brainless to me, but I prefer the look of knitting. Have you learned the “half double” stitch yet? I like that one…triple crochets are not my favorite though, so congratulations on learning that one! A nice dish cloth pattern is alternating single and double crochets across, for each row. Enjoy your new trick! 🙂

  9. I can just hear the pride in your voice! Well done girlfriend – keep up the good work and prehaps you too will have a “Larger Than Life” bag laying around, unfinished, in your basement someday too!

  10. Great job. Seeing your dish cloth progress gives me hope. I’ve tried crochet several times and just can’t ‘get it’.

  11. Yay Carol 🙂
    Good for you! It looks great!

    I like to crochet when making afghans, particularly. They seem to go so much faster!

    But I do think knitting is better for the “look” of the finished piece, when making sweaters, or most other “clothes”. Shawls would be an exception to this though. Shawls can be much faster to crochet than to knit and the finished piece can be equally beautiful.

    Have fun!

  12. Your samples look wonderful! I do think that it has a LOT to do with your teacher – I bet Maryse is an amazing crochet teacher!

    I learned last Friday morning with a friend and co-worker teaching me. It clicked and I love it so far. Like you, I went into dishcloth mode for my subsequent crochet swatches and for more practice.

  13. Your tension looks pretty good for just starting out. Must be all that knitting. I’ve knitted and crocheted for years, but the crochet has never seized my heart and mind like knitting has. Sometimes it’s just good to know how to crochet a bit-edgings and things.

  14. so many people have said “oh, I just can’t knit, it’s too complicated, so I crochet.” Man, put a crochet hook in my hand and call me a beginner. It is always like the first time for me. LOL
    I can do it, I just can’t THINK it very well. I love crochet edges on knitted things. It is so useful to know crochet when finishing – or even, so I have been told, casting on!!

  15. Hooray for new skills! OHOH You can make that sweater with the granny squares on the bottom. I think it was in Interweave. I love that sweater.

  16. Way to go! Your crochet looks great. I have been a big fan lately as well. It will never replace knitting for me, but it sure is fun. 🙂

  17. Look at you go! My trouble with learning to crochet is I never practice, so I have to start over from scratch each time I pick up a hook. Having a teacher that will hold you accountable is a good thing.

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