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Diamonds Are Forever Vest

Sunday was a really nice day, too, and Dale suggested we take Dixie for a walk in the woods. I readily agreed – especially when I realized it would be a great chance to photograph the vest I just finished for Dale.


The fit is perfect and it’s just right for this sort of weather when it’s warm but not warm enough to go without some sort of jacket/sweater.


The pattern is Diamonds for Him from Knitty and the yarn is Wild Apple Hill Farm yarn that I bought at Rhinebeck last year. It knit up quickly and the diamond pattern kept it from getting boring.


The directions are a little vague on the decreases for the shoulder and v-neck but I figured it out and am really pleased with it.


I even told Dale I’d make him another one so you know it’s got to be a winner.


I think you can tell by the smiles – on Dale and Dixie – that he loves it, too.

This Post Has 43 Comments

  1. Love it. Interesting enough to keep a knitter from wanting to poke her eyes out, while understated enough that a guy would want to wear it. My dh won’t go for vests, but a couple of sleeves would be an easy modification, so I faved yours on Ravelry.

  2. Awww Carole! I would say it’s beautiful but I’d better say THAT’S HANDSOME!!! I wish my Hubby would wear a vest…maybe I should make him one anyway–then wear it myself!

  3. That vest really is a winner. The yarn is really lovely and works well with the pattern. Dale looks very happy in his new vest.

  4. That’s a great yarn/pattern combination. The heather effect of the yarn makes for wonderful depth of contrast with the diamonds. It also compliments Dale’s “silver fox” whiskers. Well done!

  5. Gorgeous Carole! And guess what! I’m looking at it on Firefox! Finally checked it out after you told me about it in Maine. SO MUCH FASTER!!! Thank you!

  6. Very handsome indeed! Since Cookie took my punch line you can apply that to whichever part(s) of the picture you like, including the trees, if you so desire.

  7. The raised diamond lines look so tidy. Beautifully even work!

    I didn’t think I’d like the end of the diamonds at the shoulder but on Dale it looks really nice, and the logic makes sense — a smooth line, less fuss if you need to angle the top of the shoulder… Is that as writ or did you change it?

  8. What a great vest and fit! Isn’t it a blessing to bring those kinds of smiles to others??

  9. Dale looks handsome and happy in his new vest!!

    Man o man, seeing your pictures makes me wish all of our snow was gone!

  10. Carole, Dale’s vest looks fabulous! Dale looks happy and pleased and that is always a great sign in my book. And you promised to make another, obviously a winner.

  11. Great marriage of pattern and yarn as well as of knitter and wearer! Love the vest- it looks super on your Sherpa Dude.

  12. what a glorious vest – and I am so delighted for you that you have had good enough weather that you and your honey could stroll outside to photograph it.
    hurrah for a fabulous completion!

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