Eye Candy Friday


Our first ripe tomato, 2006. Candy for the eyes and mouth!

Comments (32)

  1. Yummm….deer ate mine night before last. I’ll have to live vicariously through you and Norma 🙂

  2. Yum! There is nothing so delicious as a home grown tomato, fresh off the vine. Sigh. Wish I’d had time to plant tomatos in my garden this year. This is my first summer in years without home grown tomatos. 🙁

  3. I’m mad at our tomato plants. Last year, we had a bumper crop of grape tomatoes. This year, they had a different brand of plant, and we’ve gotten three teensy tomatoes. I’m going somewhere else for my tomato plants next year!

  4. Yum! Last year all of our tomatoes got blight, but this year we have tomatoes a’plenty. My 5yo loves grilled cheese & tomato sandwiches, while I like plain old mayo & tomato ones. It is such a treat to step out the back door and pick a ripe tomato!

  5. Yum! Lots of tomato pictures out there today. They are obviously a favorite this time of year. I have one too I was saving for next week. Did ya eat it as soon as you took the picture? Tomato season is way too short!

  6. Yum! I am a vegetable snob – always had garden fresh vegetables as a kid. Nothing tastes like a fresh tomato. So good! Now all you have to do is find some mozzerella and some basil, and you are GOOD TO GO.

  7. I’ve been picking ‘matoes too! My little yellow pear tomatoes have started ripening and they’re just DELICIOUS! Not to acidic and oh-so-sweet

  8. I’m so jealous of everyone who has the space to have a garden. I think it’s the only downside to living in the city. I am definitely going to sign up for a community garden plot next year.

  9. What a beautiful tomato. It is nice to see I’m not the only one who posts veggie pictures. Some of my friends are starting to say I love my veggies just a little too much. I say it is quite normalto photograph cucurbitae. Now when they tease me, I’ll send them a link to your blog and say, “see, other people take pictures of their veggies too”.
    Happy Gardening!

  10. Oooh, what a beauty! Hope it tasted as good as it looks.
    Hi Carole! Finally I am over here to read your blog! Wooo!
    I am working my way back, glad you had such a lovely vacation! It looks like it was fabulous!

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