Eye Candy Friday

Apparently, Bloglines hates me again today.


Haul out the holly . . . Put up the brightest string of lights I’ve ever seen.

Comments (27)

  1. Slice up the fruitcake;
    It’s time we hung some tinsel on that evergreen bough.

    I’ll be singing that all day now, thanks 😉

  2. Lovely lights. That song though….. and I love Christmas music, but now you’ve put that one in my head and it is not one of my faves. Well, at least you know I’ll be thinking of you all day. 🙂

  3. Cute! I’ll have you know that I decorated last weekend. So this Friday, I don’t feel guilty seeing your xmas dcoration pics. 😉

  4. It’s equal-opportunity hate with the Bloglines — they just have decided knitblogs are not worth their while, I guess. Somebody just gave me this tip: http://www.bloglines.com/ping, and it worked for me instantly. (this time) The person who gave it to me said lately it’s been broken sometimes, too. Frack.

  5. Oh, I love the “old style” lights! I’ve got a big bag of them in the basement. They’ll probably never make it out of there, though.

  6. My grandpa used to have the big lights and they got so hot! I’ve been wanting to get some of the new cooler ones because they remind me of being a kid. Do you like yours?

  7. Me too! I posted this morning and it just now updated.

    We’ve been debating what kind of lights to put on the house and now I think I have the answer.

  8. I’ve been so busy, I haven’t been by in a long while! Hannah is georgeous in her CPH! ooooohhh…. all those cranberry recipes! We hang things to dry inside now too, on a pool cleaning handle adapted with a garden rake on the end, hung between two of the rafters…the only thing long and sturdy enough.

  9. Love the old fashioned lights.
    I think Bloglines hates us all these days. I haven’t seen anything new for a couple of days. Except Cookie and Norma. But they have connections.

  10. bright lights indeed (grin)
    I usually go for plain white.. I know, boring, yet true. got my tree decorated last sunday on my day off

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