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Eye Candy Friday: The Birthday Edition

Eighteen years ago today at 9:08 am I gave birth to a 8lb 5 oz baby girl. She was a sweet and loving little baby and she has grown into a beautiful, caring and smart young woman.

Hannah with daisy 1 blog size

Happy 18th birthday, Hannah! I am so proud of you!

Comments (24)

  1. Happy birthday, Hannah! Carole, please give her an extra hug from us when you see her. And here’s one for you guys too 🙂

  2. She is a beautiful young woman. Your pensive voice is coming through, my friend. You must miss your little grrl.
    Happy Birthday, Hannah!!

  3. Since I already wished Hannah a happy birthday on FB, I will instead wish you, my dear dear friend, a very happy birth-day! You are a fabulous friend, a wonderful Mom, and a truly caring and compassionate woman … and you birthed & raised a pretty special young woman 🙂 Have fun this weekend, you deserve it!

  4. Happy, happy birthday, Hannah! I’ve never met you, but I feel like I know you because of the way your Mom talks about you. (Hi, Carole.) I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Hannah! I hope you have a wonderful day too, Carole. It’s amazing how quickly they grow up.

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