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Eye Candy Friday

christmas house for carole knits

We had some snow the other day – just enough to make things pretty but not enough to screw up any plans. Perfect. Let’s hope this weekend brings more of the same! I’ll be finishing my shopping, baking cookies, wrapping presents and making merry! Busy, busy, busy!

Hope you have a great one!

Comments (8)

  1. Wow! Even with insomnia, I am not the first commenter lol!

    Your house is so inviting and the snow makes it a perfect Christmas setting. Norman Rockwall would be inspired.

    Have a festive weekend!

  2. It looks so beautiful!! We are supposed to get a foot of snow up here this weekend, so there will be wrapping and baking here too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. aah, those snowflakes and colored lights… ’tis the season for sure. (sadly, there is no amount of snow here in Atlanta that can “not mess up any plans”). enjoy making merry!

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