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Eye Candy Friday

wheaton college for carole knits

Last Friday, on that lovely tour of Wheaton College with my friend Doreen and her son, I took this photo. On the left is Chase Round, one of the dining halls on campus. It’s going to be completely renovated and possibly torn down in a few months. After all the meals we had there, all of the bacon & cheese omelets and the tuna melts and the cheeseburgers and the large teas with lemon to go, I was glad to have one last lunch there before it is gone forever.

Enjoy your weekend, my friends!

Comments (8)

  1. what perfect timing for your visit! (I hardly recognized the Georgia Tech campus when I toured with Katie and then Sara… it’s grown and changed so much!)

  2. That’s what’s happening here in NYC all the time. Disconcerting change.

    On a brighter note, we’re off to my brother-in-law’s wedding in VT. With luck we’ll make it to Rhinebeck on our way home Sunday. Much colder weather awaits. Keep warm and have fun!

  3. The changes are happening in campuses all across the country. You were able to go at the perfect time to rekindle your joyous memories. Happy Weekend, dear friend!

  4. Glad you had a chance to enjoy it all before the changes. Love all of the natural light through those windows.

  5. That must have been such a nice day, those college memories are truly some of the best I believe. Happy Friday, hope you’re not too tired!

  6. Your nostaliga for the dining hall made me tihink of my trip to Nebraska (with stupid younger sister :-). We decided to get off the Interstate and thoroughy enjoyed the small towns’ architecture. In Denver, the preservation movement came too late to save many iconic buildings. The worst example was a downtown complex designed by Mies van der Rohe which was replaced by an ugly Phillip Johnson monolith.

    P.S. The Pats pulled one out last night–good game!

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