Last Friday while at the conference I happened to look up at just the right…
Eye Candy Friday
Just in time for Memorial Day, I have some pretty geraniums for you. And so, it’s the weekend and it’s a long one. Hooray! After the whirlwind of Mexico and Frank Harlow Day and graduation I am ready for some quiet time at home. We have a couple of things to do but mostly it’s going to be about hanging out and relaxing together.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, whatever you’re doing. Pause for a moment on Monday, won’t you, and remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country.
I’ll see you all right back here on Tuesday!
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so pretty! have a wonderful long weekend…you need some R&R time for sure!
Beautiful photo – happy long weekend!!
The geraniums are so boldly beautiful…and long lasting. There are so many veterans of so many wars to honor this weekend, along with those currently serving. Where have all the flowers gone? So many reflections roiling around this morning, but remembering why we have this holiday is a good thing.
Beautiful!! Ashley gave me some geraniums just like this for Mother’s Day.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Have a great & relaxing weekend!
Your flowers look lovely! Enjoy your peaceful weekend.
Enjoy your relaxing weekend. I am so ready for 3 days off!
Gotta get baskets of flowers for the cemetery, old graves and quite a new grave. Helped my daughter move back to the heart of the family today – SO MUCH STUFF!!! Now I must lie down for a bit. Have a good (meaningful?) Memorial Day weekend.
Lately, in addition to remembering the ultimate sacrifices given in service to our country, I’ve been pondering how we, as individuals and collectively, might honor them with our actions. For what did they die? If freedom, then what are we doing with it? How do we show gratitude with our lifestyles? Are these precious gifts (fallen soldiers and their families & loved ones) laid down for their fellow Americans something we pause for in 24 hr reverence (which for many of us is a polite nod in whatever form that takes– a BBQ?), or is our thankfulness enough to evaluate the liberties we enjoy and/or abuse? We the people have come a long way, unfortunately, acting more & more like we live in bondage to our own indulgences and the empty ‘American Dream’ than walking in freedom with our fellow citizens, or more importantly, with our God. I pray for the courage for us all to do some internal weeding & pruning this Memorial Day.
This has nothing to do with your post—are you going to knit the Through the Loops Mystery Shawl this year? I just signed up for the clues and bought yarn from Miss Babs. I ordered a denim blue and lime green—I’m hoping they play nicely together.
My family and I are going to the cemetery Sunday morning. There is a WWI pilot buried down from my dad’s grandmother and I always think of him on Memorial Day. He was shot down over France and died a few years later of his wounds, and his parents put his whole life story on his grave marker. (It is big.) I always think of his poor mom and dad, just wanting people to know that their boy had lived and what he had done. There are never any flowers there—I’m sure that there isn’t anyone alive that knew him or his folks.
They look so pretty in that box!