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Eye Candy Friday


waquoit bay sunset for carole knits

I just can’t let go of summer yet and so I’m sharing a sunset photo for today’s post. Yes, you’ve seen it, but not all by itself and it really deserves to be showcased. This is the dock at the end of the street from our Cape Cod rental house. We ride our bikes down almost every night at sunset. Sometimes the show is glorious and sometimes it’s not, but it’s always worth watching.

Have a glorious weekend!

P.S. It’s Kim’s birthday today. Go wish her a happy one!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. That is a beautiful sunset. When I was first starting my professional life, a boss advised me to find a great photo of a beautiful place I’d like to visit and put it where I would see it often. It serves as both a pleasant place to rest my mind/eyes for the less than great days and a challenge to get myself there. Looks like you have a great photo to get you through the coming dark and cold months!

  2. You get the best sunset on the beach. So nice! I watched a glorious sunrise today as Venus hung in the sky just over the horizon. She was so bright. I think she’s recalling 6 years ago today…my personal anniversary. xox

  3. Beautiful photo. I noticed leaves turning color today and it was 95 degrees two days ago. How weird is that?

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