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A Year in Books: 2016

This is probably the longest blog post I’ve ever published. And not because of lots of words but because of lots of books. Which actually is lots of words now that I think about it.


Behold the books I read in 2016. The image is huge because it’s a screen capture from my Goodreads page listing all 92 books I finished last year. Be patient and scroll on through, it’s a very long image.


I’ll spare you any further details because I’ve probably already mentioned most of those books on here anyway. If you’re really curious to know how I rated a particular book, just check my Goodreads shelf for details.

I’ve set the same goal of 75 books for 2017. I thought about upping it but I think last year may have been a fluke and I’d rather surpass a goal than not meet it, overachiever that I am.

Here’s to lots of great reading in the year ahead!

Comments (18)

  1. Love how it says, “you’re really good at reading.” I am quite impressed. Can you pick one that moved you the most?

  2. Reading was one of the best parts of my 2016 … and looks like that’s the same for you! Goodreads has added so much to my reading life – in large part because it makes it so easy to share what we’re reading and loving (or not so much) with others. Thank you for all the wonderful recommendations! Here’s to another great year of books and reading!!

  3. I see some of my 2016 favorites there, along with some that I’d like to read in 2017. There is a sweatshirt that facebook keeps showing me that seems appropriate here: “A day without reading is like … just kidding, I have no idea”. Happy Reading in 2017!

  4. This is so impressive! And, inspiring! I see things here that you inspired me to read and things that I have not read but probably should! I hope this was not a fluke and that you far surpass your 2017 goal! Reading makes life so incredibly wonderful – thank you for reminding me of that last year! XOXO

  5. Yowza!!! That is incredible Carole! I don’t know how you manage to get all that you do done in a day. I thought I was doing pretty good with my 15 reads this year..ha!!

  6. My mom and I went to see “Hidden Figures” Sunday. The movie was really good, and I came home and bought the book for my Kindle. I’m enjoying it and recommend it.

    I’ve been in a rut and haven’t read many good books lately, and I find that kind of sad. I should go back and re-read some Amy Tan or even Stephen King, or some of the other books I have read and couldn’t put down in the past.

  7. impressive number of books/pages
    some of them I read myself
    wish us all the best fuer the new year
    and plenty of reading time
    not to forget space for knitting

  8. You are a great reader! I wish I had more time to spend with my books. This year I talked my book group into reading Tsar of Love… and La Rose and I’m looking forward to rereading both, as well as reading many other great finds! Goodreads rocks!

  9. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your good reads. I have been intrigued with everyone’s 2016 info graphic and decided I’d set one up for myself this year! I have…and now to get crackin’ on inputting the info – seeing your impressive 2016 reading journey reminds me to update my account.

    Looking forward to more reading in 2017.


  10. I also set the same goal for next year–for the same reason. I noticed that a lot of books on your list are on my TBR list. Great minds!

  11. Wow, that’s awesome. I noticed some titles that I’ve also read so I’m delighted I’m in good company.

  12. Amazing list! Wish I could devote more time to reading. I did pretty well with audio books this year though. Thanks for posting. I’m always curious what others are reading.

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