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Eye Candy Friday

Sometimes it’s worth getting the big camera out. When I got home Tuesday night (Valentine’s Day Eve, if you will) this bouquet was waiting for me. I had to work late and Dale had already left for a meeting but the flowers were on the kitchen counter with a note that said, “So you’ll have them to enjoy when you wake up on Valentine’s Day.” Pretty perfect, I’d say.

You know what else is perfect? The weekend.

P.S. I’ve got some time off next week so my blogging schedule may be erratic. I’ll see you when I see you!

Comments (11)

  1. Who could resist a man that chooses lovely flowers and puts thought and consideration into the timing of his gift? Dale is a keeper (but I know you already know that)!

  2. Beautiful flowers and a beautiful reminder of your wonderful husband. Have a great weekend! I’ve just extended mine and will be taking Monday off!

  3. Pretty sweet! What is better than a man who is thoughtful and considerate? A man who is YOURS who is thoughtful and considerate. Have a fabulous weekend and time off.

  4. I’m finally catching up and hope you are enjoying your long weekend … extra Jackie time? and – I’m sure! – plenty of good food and drink. I don’t even have a day job and I can’t manage to blog as regularly as you do 🙂 Especially appreciate the book reviews for not-so-great books. My mileage might vary, but I think I’ll just avoid those detours. Ali Smith’s Autumn is next in line on my hold list and I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s all about. xoxo.

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