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My Year in Books 2018

Thank you all for your enthusiastic support of my word, story, for 2019. And speaking of stories, today seems like the perfect day to share my year in books 2018.

The image is long (I used the Stitch It app to create it) but it shows every book I read last year.

It was a great year of reading and I’ve set my goal for 2019 at 75 books once again. I like that it gives me some wiggle room to read longer books (I’m looking at you, Diana Gabaldon) and I’d rather smash this particular goal than set it too high and rush through books just for the sake of checking them off on an arbitrary list.

Have you set a reading goal for 2019? I’d love to hear about it!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. I read a few books for learning and the rest for relaxation or enjoyment. I suspect putting a number on that would be counter productive for me personally. One of the problems with being goal oriented and driven. But I do enjoy your reviews and you inspire me to check out books I might not otherwise. Thanks!

  2. I’ve set a somewhat random goal of 60 books, and I see several of the books I’m waiting for on Overdrive among yours. I hope to read Circe and Everything Under soon!

  3. I am being cautiously optimistic for this year. I read 70 books in 2018 (after setting a goal of 25), so I’ve set my goal at 50. I’m hoping I’ll exceed it, but even if I don’t, 50 is a very respectable number.

  4. My goal last year was 70. This year I’m going for 75 because I read 80 this year. Let’s hope this year is as good a reading year as last!

  5. Congratulations on all that fabulous reading. I missed my goal by 2 though Goodreads will reflect 3 as one was by an author who contacted me for a pre-publish read. I’m going for 50 this year though because…why not! Yay for reading!

  6. The last quarter of the year was pretty much a bust for me in terms of reading! It is what it is… I’ve set another goal and we’ll just see what happens. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. We read a lot of the same books this year! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m toying with . . . not setting a number-of-books goal at all this year. But I do have other (more meaningful to ME) goals related to reading for 2019! XO

  8. Very motivating to say the least! I try to read two books at a time, one on business/self delvelopement/leadership and the other one for enjoyment/fun. Helps me not to get too carried away on one or the other. Goal will be total of 70.

  9. I see some titles that I have on my to read list. I did set a goal but I am also thinking about how I am accumulating books. I am hoping to read more books that I own (or get rid of them) and use the library a lot more.

  10. It was fun to see your list! Like Juliann, this year in addition to reading the books on my book club list, I need to concentrate on the ones in this house that are waiting as well as the ones on my kindle. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to read one book with each eye?

  11. Thanks for sharing! I added a couple of things to my TBR, and it reminded me of a couple of things that were already on my list. I checked out The Power from the library yesterday.

  12. My only reading goal for 2019 is to read more diversely. I did a good job with that early in 2018 and some of my favorite books were by POC and/or non-US/UK authors. I need to explore more of them!

  13. That is just SO cool. This year I’m hoping to find a new book club-I never really connected with the one near our apartment. It’s a bit freeing knowing I am completely in charge of what I’m reading. Now that I actually have a 30 minute minimum commute each way audio books are always “in the ears”.

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