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Eye Candy Friday

The lilacs are just about done now and the bridal wreath is blooming instead. Summer is on the way, friends, and it’s a long weekend!

Have a great one!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Lilacs are a bit behind this year due to our lingering cold weather. But they always remind me of taking a bouquet to my teacher. Cโ€™mon, Summer!

  2. Lilacs, ah, they smell fabulous! Have fun digging in the dirt, and have a typical and fabulous Carole weekend.

  3. Have a great weekend Carole and Dale! I just noticed our lilacs have finally bloomed…must get a bunch inside. See you next week!

  4. When I was a little girl I would have tea parties with my dolls under our Bridal Wreath Spirea! Enjoy your lovely flowers and have a great weekend!

  5. So pretty! Our lilacs have already come and gone, but there will be other things to take their place soon. Have a great long weekend!

  6. My lilacs are just starting! (Crazy weather.) I’m looking forward to cutting a bouquet or two this weekend. Have a great weekend, Carole!

  7. I miss lilacs!! My friend and I looked up how far north we would have to move to have lilacs in the yard.

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