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Read With Us: The Matrix Promo Post

As usual, Kym and Bonny and I are taking turns promoting our latest book club choice and I’m up today to take a whack at encouraging you to read our Fall 2021 pick, Matrix by Lauren Groff.

I read Matrix last month and, I have to admit, I did not looooooove it. As I said in my review on Goodreads: The writing is exceptional, and if I were rating that alone, this would be a 4 star book. The story, however, never really grabbed me and I had a hard time connecting with the characters. I’m looking forward to discussing this with my book group and hoping that will enlighten me on what I missed. 

The key to that review? The part where I say I’m looking forward to discussing this with my book group because that, my friends, is YOU. And I know when we discuss it that I’m going to discover things about the book that I missed. I know I’m going to see the story through someone else’s experience and that experience will enlighten me. And even if none of that happens, even if I don’t change my opinion about the book, I will be the better for having participated. Plus, the liveliest book discussions are the ones where everyone doesn’t agree!

Don’t get me wrong, though, on this selection. I completely support it and I think it’s a great book for us to read and discuss. If you don’t want to take my word for it, consider that it was a finalist for the National Book Award. And peruse some of the great reviews out there like this one from NPR and this (lengthier and more broad) one from The Atlantic.

I hope I’ve sold you on reading this one with us. Mark your calendars for January 11th for our zoom discussion!

Comments (9)

  1. Having read it now, I can completely understand your thoughts on it. I think it will make for an excellent discussion, and really that’s what’s most important (remember how good the discussion was for Leave the World Behind?).

  2. I liked it. Didn’t love it . . . but I really did like it. Can’t wait to talk about it with other readers! 🙂

  3. I think the discussion is always better when there are divergent opinions. It really makes me pay more attention to my own reactions.

  4. I am only a little way in and it’s interesting, but nothing I would have chosen to read. I look forward to hearing what others say.

    I had to put it down to finish a book for another group, but saving it for a little bit will keep it fresher in my mind when we discuss.

  5. I’m like, #billionth, on the hold list and I can’t wait to read it. Reading Monsters of Templeton in the meantime. Happy Thanksgiving!

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