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Eye Candy Friday

It’s candy! Actual candy for Eye Candy Friday! I never really considered how photogenic it is, but these fruit slices Dale got me for Valentine’s Day are so pretty that I had to share them with you today. Please note, I’m only sharing the photo . . . the candy is mine . . . all mine.

I’m taking some time off next week since Dale is on school vacation. I’ll catch you back here on Monday the 28th. Be good and have fun in the meantime!

Comments (12)

  1. What a bright way to start my otherwise dreary morning. Rain on its way. YAY! It’s been soooo dry lately!

    Enjoy your week off of the blog. I hope you have a few adventures planned. Maybe one that includes Lobster Rolls!

  2. What a cheerful photo, Carole. Perfect for my less than cheerful morning. I hope you have a wonderful week off!

  3. Oh, these look like something my dad would love. Can you at least share what they are or where Dale got them? Enjoy your time with Dale.

  4. Oh yum! I love fruit slices and since I am grocery shopping later this morning…..

    Hope you are enjoying your week off!

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