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Unraveled, March 20th, 2024

Hello, friends! I’m joining with Kat today to talk about my knitting and reading.

My knitting, shockingly, is still sock. It’s a 10 stripe combo from Knitterly Things called Long Strange Trip and the pattern is my Picot Edge Sock. Simple and mindless, perfect for those times when you don’t have bandwidth for a complicated project. Which, apparently, is me all the time now.

I’m reading Erasure by Percival Everett. It’s the book that the movie American Fiction is based on and I think it’s fantastic. It’s clever and the satire cuts like a knife. I think it helps if you’ve seen the movie first, something I rarely say, but in this case I think it’s a valid suggestion.

What are you making and reading this week?

Comments (8)

  1. “Long Strange Trip” has such great colors in it! That will be a fun pair of socks. My second March sock is almost finished and I’m almost finished The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters – highly recommend!

  2. I am winding my yarn this morning to cast on another sock! You are so right about socks being perfect on low-bandwidth days…

    I am going to take your advice on Erasure… I am on the waitlist at the library so I will make sure I queue up the movie first!

  3. That is quite a long stripe sequence on that sock! I guess I’m used to 3-5 stripes. Love the colors.

    I think I really need to watch American Fiction now that I’ve read the book; I suspect I will appreciate it more. And I’m really looking forward to reading James!

  4. There are so many lovely and fun colors in that sock! They will make a beautiful pair for someone. I need to look for and watch American Fiction; I just could not get into the book.

  5. Cute sock, cute owl bag!

    I was traveling, so I had to leave my nearly complete shawlette home (it would be done in 30 minutes) and took a linen top that I started 2 years ago and work on intermittently. Maybe this will be the year it gets done?

    I just read The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff. The writing was lushly descriptive and somewhat archaic. I didn’t want the book to end. It also didn’t end the way I thought it would, but it was thought-provoking!

    Currently reading American Eclipse: A Nation’s Epic Race to Catch the Shadow of the Moon and Win the Glory of the World by David Baron, about the 1872 total eclipse and 3 eclipse chasers. Fascinating.

  6. I love your picot sock pattern! At the moment I just joined an MKAL and am working on the first week’s clue. Untold Power is the book I just finished; we will be discussing it at our next book club meeting. It’s about the wife of Woodrow Wilson who pretty much directed the country when he was too ill to do so…very interesting!

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