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One Little Word Update: Delight, June 2024

I think I lost sight of my word for a little while last month. The prompt was to think about companion words and some of the words I associate with delight are play, glee, contentment and joy. And, while I certainly experienced all of those things, I think taking the focus off delight was not helpful for me.

The good news is, I’m getting back to delight. Not just with the prompt, which is a series of questions and reflections on my first six months with the word, but also with tracking my daily delights. As it turns out, nothing has brought me more . . . delight . . . than thinking about how moments of delight are part of my every day life.

Just this week I’ve found delight in watching a tiny bunny bounce around our backyard, slipping into bed at the end of a long day, enjoying seasonal treats such as fresh local corn, and watching the antics of Fred & George.

Reminding myself to look for delight and then recording those moments when I find it are a huge part of how I’m connecting to this word.

Comments (7)

  1. Bunny watching is high on my delight list as well! Happy Wednesday! (and I am enjoying this months prompt as well!)

  2. Bunny watching is such fun…as is deer watching and bird watching. Glad you are back to finding delight daily.

  3. I love watching “my” bunnies and often count it as a good day if I see both of them. My neighbor probably thinks I’m nuts; when I empty the dehumidifier, I often see the bunny munching grass and I tell him he should move to the patch of grass that I’m keeping green for him with the water I’m dumping out.

  4. Bunnies are so cute, and I do love watching them in my garden. But it’s not always “cute” when they’re eating all the leaves off your zinnias or racing you to eat the parsley first. 😉 So glad you’re finding delight in . . . delight.

  5. I no longer have bunnies, but you are right, they are delightful to watch unless they are eating your garden. I think delight is so valuable because it is a “present” activity. You can’t really be delighted for the future, or delighted for the past, you can only experience delight about what is right in front of you. I am all about the present these days, especially about politics. They never delight me. They may please me for a short time, but they never delight me. I congratulate you on your choice to return to seeking your delight, Carole! I hope you find a lot of delight right in front of you.

  6. I think I would delight in watching the bunnies more if they weren’t eating all the flowers on my impatiens! But I do enjoy watching their little white tails as the run away.

    I think given the current state of the world, it’s good common sense to make an effort to look for delight.

  7. I found delight in the stick of butter you posted about (on Instagram?) that bore the mark of ears of corn!

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