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Yay Sox! Yay Knitting!

The following is the text of an actual conversation between Dale and I last night when he called me from his band job, a fundraiser for Hurricane Katrina victims:

Dale: work blah de blah de blah blah blah music blah blah blah cold blah blah blah tent blah blah lots of tickets sold doo doo doo good food dum dee dumm dumm
Carole: that’s great, honey
Dale: blah blah blah what are you doing?
Carole: knitting and watching the Red Sox
Dale: Gee, no kidding. (heavy with sarcasm)

And I wonder, why did he ask? Because what else would I have been doing other than watching Big Papi save the day?
Can you say MVP? Sure you can.

The upcoming weekend includes 3 games with the dreaded Yankees so there will be plenty of knitting time! And it’s good to knit while watching the Red Sox. It’s the only thing that reduces the stress!

On Sunday I’m heading into Boston with my friend Sharon for the Knit Out. I’m planning on hooking up with Kathy the Knitigator. And perhaps Julia of Moth Heaven. Anyone else going? Leave me a comment and let me know so I can be on the look out!

Have a great weekend. Go Sox!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Go Sox is right. Please don’t tell all the NY’ers around me that I root for the Bosox too 😉 That’s right, you read it correctly. I’ll be knitting and rooting for them this weekend.

  2. Bloggers’ sign-in table? That’s a great idea!!

    Hey, keep an eye on your tension if you’re knitting while watching baseball games! Have a great weekend.

  3. See I knew there was a reason I liked you Carole — I will be 40 on Monday!
    And a Red Sox fan too — it is in my blood — my mom is a new englander by birth. Midwesterner by marriage.
    I so loved your watermelon socks — I want to make a pair ….my first sock is on the needles.
    Hope the Sox do better tomorrow.

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