Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
A week’s worth of knitting in one short post
I have been lax about posting, but I do have knitting to report. I finished sock #1 of the koigu socks last Wed. It’s quite nice, but suddenly Mason has taken an interest in this yarn. I have to hide the bag from him or he pulls the finished sock and ball of yarn right out of the bag and throws it around the room. Not good.
Last Tuesday I made another buttonhole bag, this one for my stepdaughter, Jessica, as an Easter present. It came out really cute – of course, I forgot to take a picture of it – and I put Jessie’s and Hannah’s Easter candy in their bags and gave them to them on Saturday. They were very excited and Jessie was going to use her bag when she went out Saturday night. Success in knitting is a good thing.
The Charlotte Bronte Shawl is coming along, but one row takes almost 15 minutes to complete. Sigh. And, I don’t think I have enough yarn, even though I bought what the pattern calls for. I’m going to have to try and get more but I don’t know if I can order it with the same dye lot. Sigh again.
Saturday was the knitting group at the Bridgewater Public Library. This is a great group and everyone was working on something different and fun. We all gabbed about everything under the sun and the time just flew by! I was told that the yarn shop in Mansfield is moving and she’s having a sale. Gee, I need to go to Mansfield, I think.
It’s a rainy day and perfect for curling up on the couch with knitting. Too bad I have to work for a living!
Knit on!