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No Cream In My Coffee

I Am a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don’t think plain – instead think, uncomplicated
I am a low maintenance kind of girl… who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that’s me: the friend everyone invites.
And I’m dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.

What Kind Of Coffee Are You? Take This Quiz 🙂

Hunh. Well, I don’t know if I, myself, am a plain ole cup of Joe, and I sure as hell ain’t low maintenance (just ask Dale) but I do prefer plain ole Joe over any fancy-type coffee drinks. Black, no sugar, please. Go ahead and take the quiz, it’s sort of fun.

You want some knitting content? The Feather and Fan socks are done. This is good news as I really didn’t enjoy this cotton yarn. (Don’t ask me what it is, this is the yarn that fell in the pool and the label disintegrated.) It didn’t actually make my hands hurt but it felt stiff and awkward. The pattern, however, I liked very much. It’s from the book Socks Socks Socks edited by Elaine Rowley. Here’s the finished product, being modeled by the Lovely Hannah, the recipient of the socks.
The crossed foot pose has nothing to do with me trying to distract you from the mismatched stripes. It’s just the way she was sitting. Yup, she always sits on the deck with her feet balanced over a pot of petunias. Really. I swear. And, while those mismatched stripes bug me, they don’t bug me nearly as much as they would if these were my socks. Just saying.

Comments (10)

  1. Pretty socks. I used the same pattern with some Twinkletoes yarn. Hate cotton, love wool. I’m a plain old cup of joe too. Welcome to the club 🙂

  2. I’m a plain ol’ too. I get my hazlenut Green Mountain with extra cream and 2 Splendas on my way to work – from the Mobil station!
    The socks look maahvelous.

  3. Another plain ole joe 🙂 Socks look great — your daughter has received some great knits this summer!

  4. Maybe it’s fixed…coz I’m a Plain ol’ Joe,too and I like me some caramel macchiato…just not for Star*ucks.

  5. …a low maintenance kind of girl… Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha! Ya, right! 😉

    This from the woman who straightened the cover and cushions on the sofa when we got up to get a beer during commercials in college.

  6. Not fixed, mine came up some peppermint thing. But I tend to be a tea drinker anyway. Iced coffee in the summer….YUM!

    Love the socks, stripes not withstanding. I need to get that book!

  7. I’m a plain ole cup of Joe, too. (But not true, I take it with a little cream & sugar!)

    I love the socks!

  8. just going through the librarian knitters webring and had to comment – great socks!

    and i think that’s a sockotta yarn #618. i only know this because i’m knitting up my first socks using this yarn and yup, you’re right, the cotton feels very stiff – hopefully that’ll change with a good wash!

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