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Three On Thursday

Today, because it’s Thursday and I need three things to blog about . . .

Today, because it’s the Christmas season and if we’re not careful we’re going to get overwhelmed . . .

Today, because every day is good day to laugh . . .

I give you . . . three memes that have made me laugh out loud this week.

Hope they made you laugh, too!

If you wrote a post for today please include your link below. Thanks for playing along!

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. “Maybe she’ll laugh.”

    Well, I certainly did. Thanks for that as I contemplate my early morning baking experiment and the day’s list.

  2. I don’t know if the new bras is something to laugh at or cry about…

    And, I am pretty sure if Steve tried that towel trick…I’d be on the evening news! LOL

  3. All of these are right on the money, and maybe that is why they are so funny! Bras, I wish someone would give me some bras that fit instead of bras that look like I want to look – LOL. My house, ’nuff said. And the third one is so great I am going to share it with my husband, who is scared of me when I am angry and would never think of doing anything remotely like this, but I wish he would. I am sure I would laugh. Thanks, Carole, for cheering me up.

  4. I love these. I’m thinking I might just put a towel on myself so I can be super angry [at work]!

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