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Music Meme

So, the other day, I got tagged by Margene to do this music meme thing. I love me a good meme, so, of course, I’m in.

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.

Wherefore and Why ~ Gordon Lightfoot
I love Gordon Lightfoot but this one is probably my favorite. Or maybe Summertime Dream, I go back and forth. But this song just makes me happy.
When I woke this mornin, something inside of me told me this would be my day
I heard the morning train, I felt the wind change, too many times Im on my way
Come on sunshine, what can you show me
Where can you take me to make me understand
The wind can shake me, brothers forsake me
The rain can touch me, but can I touch the rain

Buffalo Moon ~ Brule
This group plays contemporary Native American music with some chanting woven in among the instruments. This particular song has more chanting than others and it’s beautiful and haunting. The album is called We The People and it’s fabulous.

I Run for Life ~ Melissa Etheridge
I loved this song the first time I heard it when Melissa Etheridge performed it on Oprah. It’s inspirational and moving. It makes you want to kick cancer’s ass.
I run for hope
I run to feel
I run for the truth
For all that is real
I run for your mother your sister your wife
I run for you and me my friend I run for life

We’re Not Gonna Take It ~ Twisted Sister
You feeling rebellious? Pissed off? Misunderstood? Ignored? This is the song for you. It’s been particularly inspirational for me these days!
oh you’re so condescending
your gall is never ending
we don’t want nothin’, not a thing from you
your life is trite and jaded
boring and confiscated
if that’s your best, your best won’t do

oh we’re not gonna take it
no, we ain’t gonna take it
oh we’re not gonna take it anymore

The Boy I’m Gonna Marry ~ Darlene Love
Just another Phil Spector discovery but I do love this song! Makes me feel like I’m at a high school dance, only this time, I’m having fun.

I Wanna Be Sedated ~ The Ramones
Loud and fast with very simple lyrics! Brings me back to my childhood, it does.
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedated
Nothin’ to do and no where to go-o-o I wanna be sedated
Just put me in a wheelchair get me to the show
Hurry hurry hurry before I go loco
I can’t control my fingers I can’t control my toes
Oh no no no no no
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go…
Just put me in a wheelchair…
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated

Lullaby ~ Bond
This is another instrumental and I absolutely love it. They’ve taken Pachelbel’s “Cannon” and rocked it up. Awesome!

So there’s my list and it could be way longer. There’s no AC/DC on there, for instance. Believe me, if it was summer and the top was off the Jeep, I’d be listening to AC/DC non-stop! But it’s a good representation of some of the different stuff I listen to and it was actually pretty fun to do! Thanks, Margene, for thinking of me.

And, I’ll tag (because I do think it’s nice to be asked):

Comments (18)

  1. Twisted Sister and Gordon Lightfoot? Oh man! My favorite from the Phil Spector era is Baby, It’s You. I LOVE that song.

  2. I love Lightfoot’s “Song for a Winter’s Night.” This is a cool meme, but I’ll hope not to get tagged until I finish the previous one :).

  3. — You are all over the place!! I’d be listening to Led Zeppelin if I had a jeep with the top off;-)
    That TS song is peerrrrrrfect.

  4. Hi Carole, could I join the “buy more yarn” KAL dealie? I’ve bought 110 skeins since January and I think I’ve got a chance! All these people saying they need to decrease their stashes are nuts.

  5. Good meme!

    That Ramones song is usually just the thing driving around in the early summer – full of energy and all hopped up. But my favorite riding around in a Jeep with the top down songs are by Counting Crows (only the upbeat ones, of course 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Okay, since I read your post (about an hour ago) I haven’t been able to get the Ramones song out of my head!! I love that song. Must go find it and put it on right now.

  7. I *heart* the Ramones – and Rock n Roll High School is one of the best movies, ever!!

    And Twisted Sister Rocks!!!

  8. Hey you tagged me! Don’t think I’m ignoring you if I wait a while to answer this one. The other day I found an old Guns N Roses album, (Appetite for Destruction) and popped it in just for kicks. It reminds me of being young (really young, like 12) and writing “I heart Axel Rose” on the blackboard and giggling hysterically with my little friends.

    Anyway I can’t stop listening to it (and singing along), but there’s no way in hell I’m listing all the songs from “Appetite for Destruction” for this meme. So I’m waiting until something a little less embarrassing is in the rotation before I answer this!

  9. 15 more skeins! The yarn store near me is closing . . . Your bloomin’ socks look great! I really should try that pattern. I can’t comment on your blog content becuase I know Nothing about music.

  10. Well the kids are all hopped up and ready to go
    They’re ready to go now they got their surfboards
    And they’re going to the discotheque Au Go Go
    But she just couldn’t stay she had to break away
    Well New York City really has is all oh yeah, oh yeah

    Sheena is a punk rocker Sheena is a punk rocker Sheena is a punk rocker now

    And then there is one of my other faves:

    The KKK took my baby away
    They took her away
    Away from meeeeeeeeeeeee

    mmmmmmmmm, Ramones

  11. I do so love that you included the Ramones. You know I used to listen to really good music before the wee royalty discovered the Disney Princess cd and Raffi :O)

  12. WOW! I just had to laugh thinking of you in the library with headphones on listening to Twisted Sister… it was a whole MTV video in my head, with you as the really hip librarian who the kids think is square, but then the library closes and you rock out in the aisles playing air guitar with Dee Snider!

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