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Eye Candy Friday


Most people have Christmas cactus, right? Well, here at the public library we have a Halloween cactus.
It’s beautiful, even if it is confused about when it’s supposed to bloom.

Comments (35)

  1. Yeah, mine is doing the same thing. I think it’s the shorter days cooler nights trigger as mine was outside until just a week or two ago. Must not really be temps though if this one was indoors- maybe it’s strictly a light trigger or lack thereof.

  2. Hmmm…I have a white Christmas Cactus that is also in bloom. It is beautiful! My sister brought the mother-plant to me from New Orleans many years ago. Never thought of it being a “Halloween cactus” until your post 🙂 but it always blooms early.

  3. Lovely! Mine is the same color and blooms at Thanksgiving. Right now it is covered with tiny buds and if the little one in my house can keep his fingers off them I’ll take a photo once it blooms.

  4. I love Christmas cacti! My mom has had them forever — she has one that is always a Thanksgiving cactus, but I don’t think she has a Hallowe’en cactus. 🙂 I did not inherit her green thumb, but my brother did, and he has Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti too!

  5. Very pretty despite the confusion! Love the quilt you helped work on too — I’ve a niggling in my head about quilting and think there will definitely be some in my future.

  6. I think Lucia is right. Mine blooms at Easter, and come to find out, there ARE Easter cacti. Perhaps none of them are REALLY supposed to bloom at Xmas, and we’re all just imposing our will on them just TOO MUCH. that’s it! It’s a Christmas cactus conspiracy by the right-wing whackos! (heehee)

  7. Mine always blooms for Thanksgiving. I used to tell my grandmother I assumed it was Polish. (The Polish grandmother, not the Italian one – LOL) She didn’t think I was all that funny. *grin*

  8. My Christmas Catus prefers Thanksgiving. But it’s been awfully neglected for the past few months, so I suspect it’s going to take a season off. 🙁

    You’re looks great! Look at all those blooms-in-waiting!

  9. We called ours Jesus because it always bloomed on Easter Sunday – no matter when Easter was! He developed root rot and is currently undergoing a procedure to try and resurrect himself into many new plants. He’s been in my husband’s family for 90 years.

  10. At least yours blooms. Mine hasn’t had a flower in YEARS . . . I saw a bud about two years ago, but . . . other than that . . . in the life of a houseplant, it’s been eons.

  11. mine blooms at thanksgiving and keeps on blooming until easter! It’s confussed, but it is lovely!

  12. Oh, I love Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter cacti! My mother had a huge one for years, and when she moved into an apartment it came to me. But I eventually killed it; I have killed an embarrassing number of such cacti. Enjoy yours, and thanks for sharing!

  13. That’s so pretty. I really need to get one. I wonder why it’s blooming early. I recently got “The Homecoming” on DVD. You know – the Walton’s Christmas show. Mrs. Walton had a Christmas Cactus that she kept under the stairs so it would be in just the right amount of light, etc, so it would bloom at the right time of year. So many things like that have died over time (everyday knowledge about certain plants, etc). Thanks for the pretty picture of this one. 🙂

  14. As others said, they don’t bloom at Christmas usually. The need equal hours of dark and light to bloom. I have on that is a cutting from my Mom’s…..and Mom’s is a cutting of my Grandmothers.

    Your’s is a beautiful color!

  15. Add mine to the list of confused plants. I think they are forced to bloom at Christmas and went left alone, bloom as needed. ;^)

  16. My Mom had one of those when we lived in Mass. – they seem to love the weather up there – very pretty, despite it’s seasonal misdirection.

  17. Mine too. Never understood why since I bought it blooming at Christmastide. They say different species are timed differently to share the pollinators’ energy over a longer length of time, so you’d think if I bought a xmas one, it’d stick to xmas, wouldn’t cha?

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