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Eye Candy Friday


I know what it’s time for when the frost is on the punkin. But what’s it time for when the frost is on the leaf?

Comments (37)

  1. Gorgeous picture! They’re calling for “stinging cold” as the weather today. Ummmm, I think I’ll take the bus instead of walking to work today!

  2. Ooo a tulip tree, I love those! We had a huge one outside the comp sci building on campus way back when and I’ve planted a teensy one in my front yard that’s up to my chest this year. No blooms yet but every spring I hold my breath for them.

  3. Time for the first miserable long snowy commute of the year.
    Good thing I can’t reach Dave, that guy is just asking for a beating.

  4. Cool pic. And yes, dear, Chris meant You with her comment about the new Romi pin. Very obviously you. Couldn’t be anyone else but you. I know this because I thought exactly the same thing when I saw it. :o)

  5. Maybe it’s time for snow!? Better question, what’s it time for when it is actually 24F in south Louisiana? I’m so thankful for the cold weather and a chance to wear wool sweaters!

  6. Ha — you can tell where my mind is. My first thought when I saw the photo was, ooh, a chocolate leaf, yummy!

    It was -9? F. here in n.w. Wisconsin yesterday morning. That was outside. It was 60? in our house – brrrr.

  7. What a great picture – have you ever considered putting out your own line of blank note cards with these eye candy photos? Just sayin’…

  8. I always thought it was the “dew is on the pumpkin” but frost works too…

    That picture is just gorgeous

  9. Time to call in sick, put your head back underneath the down comforter, and STAY there… that’s what time it is.

    I thought I was gonna freeze solid while waiting for the train this morning. Ugh!

  10. Something doesn’t seem quite right with the comments on your next post (I can’t access them, anyway), so I shall put mine here. I think that the fact that your daughter has such lofty (delusional) ambitions for her Christmas knitting in the next few weeks clearly marks her as a born knitter, perhaps more than any other characteristic. 🙂

    Question about the submissions: do they have to be recent posts? And are there specific topics we should stick to, aside from knitting generally? I have something I put on my blog over a year ago that works as a stand-alone piece that I could submit, but I’m not exactly sure what the guidelines are. Thanks!

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