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Eye Candy Friday


When the temperature outside is a single digit, I don’t think there’s anything better than a fire in the wood stove.

Comments (42)

  1. OH YES!! All you need is “crackling sounds”… Winter has finally arrived here too! Great picture. I hope you and your family have a wonderful…and warm weekend!

  2. I don’t think I could ever live in a house without a woodstove. It is my favorite part of the winter. Nothing is more cozy than sitting in front of the woodstove and knitting or spinning.

    Add a little falling snow, and you have heaven! Alas, we on the coast of RI are getting rain (so what else is new???).

    Enjoy your weekend – it’s gonna be a cold one!

  3. We just might need to head to SF this weekend (it’s been SO long!) to sit by the fire. We could use one here! Hell, we could use a working furnace! It’s all of 8 here and that’s warm this year. Bleh.

  4. That’s quite the close up of heat. You must have been quite rosy cheeked after that photo shoot.

  5. It sounds like the amazing blast of winter that we had a couple weeks ago has finally hit the east coast. There’s just nothing like a good wood fire, is there.

  6. What a great photo! I still think you could think about developing a line of greeting cards, and then you and Dale could have a home business, curled up by your fire:)

  7. there is nothing better than a soft quilt,luxurious yarn and the glow of a warm fire

  8. VERY nice. I’m so jealous…. it took me a second, though, to figure out what that was! (grin) (The caption, of course, helped a lot….)

  9. Beautiful photo — it must have been challenging, between getting the right exposure and not toasting the lens at the same time!

  10. I already feel warm. Would you like to share some popcorn with me as we watch the fire glow and listen to it crackle? 🙂

  11. good Lord–please send along my prayers and best wishes for your friend’s daughter and her fiance. I pray he comes up safe and sound. How horrible! She must be beside herself with worry!

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