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Eye Candy Friday


Snowdrops. Not from my yard but from the site of our upcoming and apparently controversial Civil War Living History. Now truly, if I were going to steal something from this spot, it wouldn’t be shingles. It would be these lovely little beauties.

Comments (32)

  1. don’t let the overseers hear you say that about the snowdrops. lol. I don’t like eyecandy Friday cause then I don’t have your blog to read over the weekend. But your pictures each Friday are beautiful. Thank you sandy

  2. Love the snowdrops! They’re just so pretty but, the other commenters are right, snowdrops wouldn’t burn nearly as well as old, worn out, shingles.

  3. I thought y’all were stealing the shingles to use for wiping while you pooped on their lawn? Guess not.

  4. And who could blame you? (I’ve been known to purloin the occasional plant myself, leaving plenty behind to multiply again, of course.)

  5. Lovely! A flower I’ve never seen in person. Thank you.

    I’m going to try to get a photo of a lizard today. Of course I had one appear next to me yesterday and pose — when I didn’t have the camera.

  6. You know, those Civil War Reanactors are a pretty roudy group, known widely for public urination and the like-kind of like knitters??? Good luck dealing with the “administration”.

  7. They’d never notice if you took them. Shingles, yes, pretty flowers, no. Although they’d see the disturbed dirt and assume you had buried your reenactment battle casualties there.

    I have nothing blooming in my yard yet. Nothing.

  8. They look similar in shape to the duchman’s breeches we had in our woods when I was growing up. I miss that a lot. But then again, bluebonnets don’t grow in Michigan – there’s good stuff everywhere. Thanks for sharing your pretty flower pictures Carole. 🙂

  9. Oh, too warm here for those! But they’re so lovely. I have some chinodoxia that are practically gulping and wondering WTF? But they’re still growing. hahahhahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    If, say, hypothetically… I might be in Boston in August for a wedding. And the wedding took place on a thurs and the next day was my B-day….

    Hypothetically, could I guilt some boston people into hanging out with me? Because I’m not above that. IF it all turned out that way. Hypothetically.

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