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Eye Candy Friday


Last week there was only one crocus. This week there is a whole bunch. Spring must be here!

Comments (33)

  1. I know it’s spring b/c our landlady was Windexing the plastic encased baby Jesus statues in our yard and “planting” her fake flowers. Did I mention our landlady is a little old italian woman??

    have a great weekend!!

  2. I’m jealous. I don’t see anything resembling blooms in my yard. The weather says spring, but I’m not seeing it just yet.

  3. If there are any crocuses in my garden, they’re still buried under a foot of snow. It’s melting fast today, but still, I WANT GREEN!!

  4. It sure feels like Spring here…even looks like it too. They don’t call this Mud Season up here without good reason.. 🙂

  5. Hooray for confirmations of spring!! Have a wonderful weekend Carole. I can’t stop thinking of your great CW dress and homespun shawl. 🙂

  6. What? No snow surrounding your crocus? I’m jealous of your spring flowers. Most bulb plants don’t bloom here since it doesn’t get cold enough for them in the winter. So, see it is good to live somewhere cold because you get prettier flowers to look at in the spring.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. A belated comment on your last post :
    Your Seraphim shawl is stunningly beautiful. An achievement to take pride in, spinning the lovely yarn and then the beautiful knitting. It is gorgeous.
    You look lovely in your red day dress.

    Nice crocus too. :0)

  8. Growing up in a four season climate, crocuses have always been that bastion of new, and after a long winter, better times. It is amazing the level of joy that one can obtain from a small bunch of flowers – yay spring!

  9. I don’t have crocus in my garden, but my daffodils look much the same! We’re supposed to have temps in the low 70s all week…makes me hopeful spring is really here to stay.

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