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Eye Candy Friday


The flame of a single candle really can light up the night. Especially when you are camping in a field with a bunch of wackos reenactors. Just saying.

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Love it….and I think wood smoke needs to be bottled as an air freshner when you have been away from the campfire for a while!

  2. I saw that picture and it looked all serious to me but then you put your special spin on it. Glad to hear that you had so much fun.

  3. Okay, Carole, so just where does the laptop by candlelight fit in when you are reenacting? Do the wackos allow that?

  4. I can’t imagine a better group of (wackos) I mean re-enactors to get lit with!

  5. Whew. Glad it’s a LIGHT post. heh

    It always amazed me how much light hurricane lamps put out with that little flame. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

  6. Hmmm wackos, mad weave in the socks, is there a theme here? So do you have your computer and digital camera at the reenactment? Do you get some hairy eyeballs? How far do folks go with this? I mean, do you have to be in period underwear and menstrual supplies??? (nice pic!)

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