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Eye Candy Friday


I just love zinnias. I think they are the most perfect summer flower. Enjoy your weekend!

Comments (33)

  1. I love zinnias too. Reminds me of my childhood. My mom planted a lot of them along with dahlias. I find they get fungally diseased if it’s too wet. Yours look so healthy!

  2. I agree! When we lived in Cleveland, I had a 4’x4′ section of my garden devoted to zinnias so that I could enjoy summer bouqets of them throughout the house.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Yay for Zinnias!! I have planted some mini-zinnia seeds and they’ve just started coming up. Yes, I know – me and my late garden. This way we’ll have pretty flowers into the fall though. 🙂

    Have a wonderful weekend Carole – hope it’s not too hot or too rainy where you are!! XOXOX

  4. How wonderful! When I lived in PA, my dad made me a whole bed of them and would come and pull the rhisomes (sp?) every fall and put them back in every spring. I can’t grow them to save my life out here.

  5. Back in my “garden club” days, I had whole beds of zinnias, but have not planted any in a few years. Will have to correct that…you’ve reminded me how much I love them! Very pretty photo!

  6. That’s a great picture! I love zinnias, too. I just picked a bouquet yesterday and it makes my messy kitchen look better. 🙂

  7. They’re very pretty! I love zinnias too, they come in all those fabulous day-glo colors. And how can I hate anything named “zinnia?” It’s just fun to say.

  8. Ooooo. Gorgeous! Let’s send that picture to Judy and have her make some yarn in a colorway called Zinnias for us. Just for us. What do you think?

  9. One of the prettiest cakes I made was ‘frosted’ with whipped cream and had a few zinnias stuck in it!

  10. Ours just bit the dust from the heat. I’ll just enjoy yours, besides I don’t have to remember to water them.

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