Eye Candy Friday


You all liked the vegetable photo yesterday so here’s a close up of last week’s haul. Great stuff, I tell you.
Do something FUN this weekend!

Comments (19)

  1. Fun? I believe that shall be sleep and HP for me. And maybe some yardwork, if the weather cooperates.

  2. Now that is good eating! Once again, the internest connection witch a hex on me. I’ll have to catch up at work 😉

  3. Yum!! I think a trip to our local farmers market is in order tomorrow morning! Enjoy. Hope you’re doing something fun for the weekend.

  4. Beautiful colors! I am off to the Childrens’ Festival this morning, a mini-Renaissance Faire with lots of free craft activities, the perfect start to that summer weekend feeling. Happy weekend to you:)

  5. Excellent! (Healthy food I don’t mind.) Can you think of anything fun I can do sitting perfectly still? It’s been quite a week.

  6. Off to farmer’s market to supplement what I don’t have in my own veggie garden. The little white turnips should be out- yum! Have a great weekend!

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