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Eye Candy Friday

We interrupt this Eye Candy Friday post for three extremely important announcements.

1) Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your love, thoughts, prayers and concerns for all of us over the loss of my friend Debbie. I want you to know that every single comment meant the world to me. Your concern and prayers for my family and Debbie’s have overwhelmed me with gratitude and given me a real sense of peace. Truly. I have the best readers.

2) You have until tomorrow night to vote for Ryan. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you can go here, here or here. Now, please go vote. Five times. Thank you.

3) As of tonight, I am on vacation and heading to Cape Cod with my family. There will be radio silence here at Carole Knits until Monday, August 20th. Sure hope you can bear it.

We now return to our regularly scheduled Eye Candy Friday post.


A bouquet of four pink roses representing Lois, Sharon, Wendy and I, and one lavender rose representing Debbie. The four of us went together to the accident site and left these there in memory of Debbie. I’ll admit that I’ve always considered roadside memorials a bit on the tacky side. But I get it now. You need to leave something to let people know that someone special died there. And Debbie sure was special.

Thanks again for thinking of us. See you on the 20th.

Comments (46)

  1. It was with great sadness reading your past post about your friend, Debbie…I first read about it at Julie’s (Noolie’s)….have been keeping you close in my thoughts and hope your vacation is peaceful and healing for you and yours.

  2. I will miss my very first read of the morning until you come back. Hugs and wishes for peace and healing as I admire your beautiful tribute.

  3. Have a safe and restful vacation. Days of laying on the sandy beaches……I’m a wee bit envious, but it will be good for you all to get away for a spell.

    What beautiful roses.


  4. Getting away will be good. I’ll be thinking of you and sending peaceful thought waves your way. XXOOXX

  5. Those roses are beautiful, the meaning more so … I got a little lump in my throat, there.

    I hope you have a restorative week. Take care.

  6. Have a good vacation. Take one evening and enjoy a sunset on the beach while knitting something very special in honor of Debbie and then have a toast in her honor.

    For a great pick-me-up, try to go to Four Seas Ice Cream in Centerville, near Craigville beach. That place was my favorite summer haunt and I have the greatest memories of that place!

  7. I should say this in person, but I am so sorry for your loss! This is so sudden, that we are all in shock. How can someone so bright and sweet be gone all of a sudden? My heart goes out to Steve and her children, friends and family alike, because I’m sure she has left a lot of grieving people behind. 🙁

  8. Enjoy your time away, Carole. Rest and enjoy this time with your family. Hannah will never be this age again. Same goes for Dale. ;^) ♥

  9. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. I remember a friend of mine being in a motorcycle accident as well. He didn’t die, thankfully, but he was in intensive care and rehabilitation for a long time and had to learn basic functions all over again.

    Now is the time to reminisce and be around the people you love. I wish you the best Carole! Whenever someone close to me has passed away, I try not to think of that person as being gone, just in a different place and I won’t see them for a while. Then I smile and think about what their heaven is like. I wish you the best of luck.

  10. I’m so sorry about your friend. I hope you have a peaceful, enjoyable vacation. Sending hugs and good thoughts.

  11. I am so sorry for your lose. I have a wonderful friend like your Debbie was to you and I can not even imagine what I would do without her. She has been with me through thick and thin. Remember all the fun and laughs and the tears that you have shed together and then keep on going because you know that is what she would want. Peace to you. May your vacation time rest your soul and start to help you heal.

  12. Just caught up with your news Carole. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Try and have a wonderfully relaxing vacation!


  13. The bouquet is a beautiful expression of how precious Debbie was to your group of close friends.

    As to your mention of tackiness of leaving roadside memorabilia, it’s funny (not haha) how our personal experiences can alter our outlook. It drives home that old proverb of not criticizing a man until we have walked a mile in his shoes.

    May you take comfort from God in this! 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

  14. Thank you for sharing your flowers with us today. I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I am always intrigued by the roadside memorials (in fact, I usually want to photograph and document all of them – that’s the anthropologist in me) – thank you for sharing your thoughts on it. I don’t think it’s tacky at all.

  15. May your vacation be deeply restful and soothing to your heart.
    Beautiful memorial – all who pass will know she was very much loved.

  16. I am so incredibly sorry about your friend Debbie. What a truly heartbreaking loss. I have lost two very dear cousins (more like brothers to me) on motorcycles. My thoughts and prayers are with all and my MOST heartfelt sympathy.

  17. Oh, Carole. I’m so sorry for your loss and that of Debbie’s family. Take care of yourself. You are in my prayers.

  18. Oh Carole, my heart goes out to you and your friends. If there is anything you need, please let me know – or if I can help in anyway!

    I hope you and your family are having a peaceful time on the cape.

    Sending you hugs!

  19. I’m so far behind on my blog reading, but I hope you are having a wonderful trip to the Cape. And I am so sorry about the loss of your friend Debbie. I don’t know what else to say other than my heart goes out to you and especially to Debbie’s family. I can’t imagine how awful it is for them right now.

  20. Oh Carole. I’m so sorry to learn about the loss of your friend. I know words just can’t express it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Debbie and her friends and family. xoxox

  21. I am glad you are getting a vacation right at this moment, and a chance for extra time to cherish your family. The flowers are beautiful… I have been taking photos of roadside memorials for several years now, and am glad you all could do this.

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