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Fairy Tale Hat

Have you ever seen something on a blog that made you want to cast on right that very minute? Of course you have — we all have. It doesn’t happen to me very often but it did last week when I saw Cassie’s Gretel hat. I immediately purchased the pattern from Ysolda. Honestly, if I hadn’t been out sick for the previous three days I think I would have feigned an illness so that I could have gone home immediately and started knitting.

I held it together, though, and started Thursday night. I worked on it every spare moment (and there weren’t many considering I had to drop in at the paying job on Friday and the Christmas decorating and various social obligations) but I managed to finish it Sunday morning – just in time for our first snow fall.


Isn’t it adorable on her?


The yarn is something I bought ages ago at a yarn shop on Cape Cod. I can’t remember exactly where and I can’t remember exactly when but I it was at least 2 years ago. I had been saving it for something special and it worked out perfectly for this hat.


I love the color and the cable-y goodness.


The recipient is quite pleased with it, too. Even if she is a goof ball.

Comments (56)

  1. I am currently spinning a merino yarn to make my daughter a similar hat for Christmas. The slouchy hat look is all over the place and is soo cute. Even on goofballs.

  2. Great hat. Hannah looks great in it.

    It’s funny you mention ‘wanting to cast on right away’ and Cassie’s blog. Lately she’s been blogging about her Ringwood hat and that is the one that caught my eye. On my list of things to do today is to phone LYS’s and ask if they have the Fall 07 Spin Off magazine. I can’t cast on right away but owning the pattern is the next best thing, I think.

  3. She looks so cute! I really like the hat. I saw Cassie’s, and now after seeing this one, I think I really have to try the pattern out for myself. I don’t think I could pull it off as well as Hannah, though!

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