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Eye Candy Friday


I thought it would be fun to have the final Eye Candy Friday of 2007 actually be candy. This stuff comes from Hammond’s Candies and it’s worth every penny.

Have a terrific last weekend of 2007!

Comments (26)

  1. I haven’t seen ribbon candy since I was a kid. My grandmother would always have it set out in a nice plate, and the kids could only have the broken pieces left in the box. (The “good” stuff was for company.) Great photo.

  2. Hmmm….ribbon candy was always a staple in our house growing up. I haven’t seen any up this way in a long time.

  3. how pretty!
    when i saw your eye candy friday header i thought, “surely she’s cracked; it’s not friday” hahaha, but it’s just me who has lost track of the week . . .
    the good news is that tomorrow is saturday!

  4. I always tune in to see your great Friday pics. I was hoping the link was going to be Hilliard’s. My dad lived all of 10 minutes from there before he moved in with us in Virginia. So convenient to have to pass it on and off the highway. Never could resist shopping. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  5. another memory blast. 🙂 I hadn’t even seen that kind of candy since I was a kid in New England – how fun.
    great photo from your new toy too!

  6. Next time you’re here in CO, we’ll have to take you on a tour of Hammond’s! It’s really fun. They make it the old-fashioned way and let you watch. (I haven’t seen them make the ribbon candy, but watching the candy canes is pretty awesome.)

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