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Eye Candy Friday


In an effort to learn more about my new camera, we made a trip to Plymouth last weekend. I took a lot of photos but this one, with my new telephoto lens, is probably my favorite.

Have a wonderful first weekend of 2008!

Comments (35)

  1. Ahhh… love that photo! I just plain love cattails. Like Chris said, it really brings back memories of skating at the pond when I was a kid. Oh the things we did with cattail fuzz. ha I made fairy pillows stuffed with cattail fuzz but for some reason I never found one sleeping on my night table. Hm.

    Have a great weekend Carole!! XOXOX

  2. Love the photo, slapped a huge smile on my face, I love cattails… it’s where you’ll find one of my all time favourite birds… redwinged blackbird!
    Thank you!

  3. You have always taken nice photos, now your camera will make your visions great! I so look forward to your Friday posts.

  4. Well done pic. I, too, love cat tails, be they animal or vegetable! VBG!

    Happy weekend, knit on!

  5. Ooh, a telephoto? we have one, but that thing is so big that I rarely use it. I feel like a paparazzi with it! 🙂 Lovely photo, Carole, and I look forward to many more! great bokeh 😉

  6. Pretty. Never seen them covered in ice before. /CA girl

    The file name made me think of something else entirely. I’ll be in the naughty corner if you need me.

    Happy Weekend!

  7. The telephoto lens are so much fun to play with!!! Just think about being able to snap photos of Mason without him knowing it….

  8. Pretty! Doesn’t Seedstitch Cheryl have a story about those? She cut some and brought them in only to be infested by bugs…or something like that?

  9. Wow, that’s pretty! I should get lenses and learn more about my camera, but instead I’ve lost my charger. Seems like a fair trade, doesn’t it? My logic, I know, makes me sound like I’ve been imbibing again, but I haven’t. 🙂

    I had to order a new charger today. I’ve given up looking for it. I’m sure the minute the new one arrives, the old one will turn up. Meanwhile, I’m back to using my old camera.

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