Eye Candy Friday

It’s been gray and rainy here all week. Time for a little sunshine and sand, yes?


I wish you a weekend of blue skies!

Comments (29)

  1. What a lovely blue! I’m looking out at white and gray! Harumph about that guard, huh? I was told in November (when I did my jury duty) that I could knit while waiting to go to court, but while sitting on the jury panel I could not knit (though I could bring it with me). It was supposed to be the same during jury selection, but I didn’t sit in the front rows and nobody seemed to mind.

  2. Cold blue skies…we had 2 days of 70 degree weather, now it’s cold again!
    I DO love blue skies!
    Hope you and Dale have a WONDERFUL weekend!

  3. Geez that’s beautiful. It’s grey and ugly here right now. I can’t wait for Spring and to pull the camper out of hibernation….

  4. Oh, my gosh! That’s so beautiful! I’m northwest of Chicago where we had 9 inches of snow last week and another foot this week. I’m so sick of white!!

  5. I keep thinking I’m FINE with the snow. I love it! I DO! And then? I see a picture like this.
    And all I have to say?

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