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Eye Candy Friday


Dale brought me tulips the other day. I should bake him a cake more often, I guess.

Have a great weekend!

Comments (30)

  1. Those are lovely! I would get flowers everyday if my DH were like that, because I bake so often. It is nice to think about though.

  2. Beautiful tulips! I’ll get the King Cake recipe out to you over the weekend or on Monday…have to get it out to make it myself, too. Have a good weekend.

  3. My guess is you wouldn’t even need to bake the cake for him to get you flowers. I think he’s just that kind of guy! They’re lovely; enjoy them!

  4. yes, the tulips are lovely and the cake looks yummy ….
    but…I cant wait to see the finished Peace Fleece Cardigan !!
    I think I would like to knit one for myself !…hence my excitement!

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