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Eye Candy Friday


You all should know how much I love you when you see this lilac photo.  I risked aggravating my allergies and sneezed about 10 times to get just the right shot for you.  Mwah!

Have a great weekend!

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. It was totally worth it too. Beautiful photo. Lilacs are a favorite of mine but I too have to enjoy them at a distance.

  2. My green thumb is actually a black thumb and DH doesn’t allow me to garden but I did make him put in a lilac bush for me. They smell so divine. I am sorry they make sneeze.

  3. Thanks for taking the effort. I’m the same way – I love lilacs, but from afar because the smell makes me sneeze and gives me a headache.

  4. Oh, I love lilacs and have NONE around me…so thank you for risking all manner of allergies to take that gorgeous photo!!!

  5. Mwah back atcha — I can smell them from here! (Or maybe that’s my neighbors’ bush, I don’t care, I love them.)

  6. Oh, Carole! Thank you for the lilac love! I think I smell them from here. Wait, I think maybe that is the nasal allergy spray I just used.

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