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Wordless Wednesday

The one with all the wishful thinking . . .

Comments (25)

  1. Perfect! I am ready to run screaming down the snow covered streets but I am afraid that I won’t see on coming traffic due to the snow banks! I could use a little beach time. Thanks for giving me some!

  2. Oh my! These pictures were just what I needed. I woke to sleet and ceiling leaks this morning! Ice dams formed while we were away in the Costa Rican sunshine and it’s been a battle ever since. This morning we are resigned to the fact that we will be dancing around buckets until March and maybe beyond. Ugh!

  3. Your photos are perfect because there are no more words to describe
    your winter this year. I just saw pictures on one of the morning shows and
    I have never seen snow banks as high as what I saw this morning. And
    what more can be said? I was planning to visit one of my sons in Ct. but
    I think I will wait until spring? Maybe summer!! Stay warm and be safe!
    Keep knitting on!

  4. Sooo needed to see that – didn’t even want to get out of bed today. As a teacher I have the day off, but enough already!!

  5. I actually like snow, and I don’t mind shoveling. But my poor blue bike is on the side of the barn where the window blew in – I’m sure it’s suffering in the snow and the cold.

  6. Love the one of the lifeguard stand – my screen saver during the winter is our lifeguard stand in NJ. Yup, I’m done with winter and wishing for summer!

  7. Oh those colors! Not a shade a gray to be seen. And leaves on trees and bushes? sigh. I truly have NO reason to complain here in Boise when thinking of what you’ve been experiencing, but I am so looking forward to color! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Our you buried in snow? We’re all wishing for spring about now, but the weather is a reminder that spring won’t be here soon enough!

  9. Wonderful to see those COLORS!!
    The view from my windows here in eastern Massachusetts looks like a black and white photo – of an ocean of snow!
    Your photos really cheered me up.
    Thank you.

  10. A celebration of sorts because Phil didn’t see his shadow? I think he’s hoping as much as any of us that spring is right around the corner!!!

  11. You’re killing me with beach pictures—we got 17″ of snow here in Iowa from Tuesday afternoon through this morning. Luckily, my neighbor guy came down the street with his HUGE snowblower and cleaned out my driveway approach after the city plow came through. I did get to watch allot of old movies and do some sock knitting while I wasn’t shoveling, however.

  12. Spring, I can’t wait. The leaky roof is getting to me though it seems to have left my bedroom for the kitchen for a few days, I am sure it will be back as it likes to alternate.

    I can’t wait to see some flowers outside. My Xmas cactus is flowering right now, it must not be able to tell what month it is. Last year it bloomed in April.

  13. luv that bike.
    I was out on mine again today…
    keep riding your cycle inside, and you’ll be ready for any spring break when it gets here. 😉

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