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Eye Candy Friday

I was so happy to find this Morning Glory flower last week. The plants came from my sister-in-law, Mary and the seeds for these plants originated with her grandfather. I love plants that have a history, don’t you?

I also love the weekend and I know you do, too. Make it a good one!

Comments (9)

  1. Lovely morning glory and what a nice history! My mom has some lily plants she got from her mother’s garden, who in turn had got them from her mother’s garden.

  2. Beautiful, Carole! Morning Glories are so simple . . . and just stunning in the garden. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I love morning glory and that color is exceptional. We’ve been looking for a place to plant some but haven’t quite decided. Maybe next spring!

  4. I love the tenacity of the morning glory. Such an insistent little vine! We’ve got two roses from my Aunt Margie’s garden and they are my favorites! I hope your weekend is exceptional!!

  5. That’s one of the prettier heirloom morning glories I’ve seen other than the Heavenly Blue. Looks like Burpee’s Crimson Rambler.

  6. The Morning Glory is gorgeous. Many of our plants have a history which makes them extra special. Rhubarb comes from my dad, who passed away in 2001. The pencil cactus was grown from a small cutting from my husband’s brother’s plant (in Corpus Christi it was a yard plant; here in Denver a house plant). A spider plant graced my classroom for 14 years. The Schifflera came from husband’s parents house and the Jade plant from my parents’ house. You are so right about plants with a history. Jo

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