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Eye Candy Friday

While Hannah was picking out new boots the other day, I was picking out a new pair of high heels. Yes, they are silly and impractical, but I love them. They have bling and they make me feel pretty and sexy. I can’t wear them with handknit socks but hey, you can’t have everything.

I’ll definitely be wearing handknit socks this weekend, though. How about you?

Comments (18)

  1. Wow – they are sooo beautiful! There is no way I would be able to walk in those without falling – haha.

  2. Great, great shoes! We all need a pair (or two or three) of impractical high heels that make us feel pretty and sexy! (Because we are!)

  3. Those are fabulous! I really don’t wear heels these days but those make me wish I did. Are you going to wear them somewhere special?

  4. Vavoom! Vavoom! Such sexy heels! Everyone deserves a bit of bling in their lives. My bling needs to go around my neck and not on my toes anymore. Bad feet….sigh. Kitten heels for me, meow. Giving serious consideration to my wool socks as we are headed to an afternoon football game tomorrow.

  5. Well technically, you COULD wear them with hand knit socks. That is, if you don’t mind making a fashion statement.

    No hand knit socks for Denver this weekend, it is supposed to be in the 80’s then. Bleah…

  6. gorgeous! I have a pair of bright purple platform, 3 inch heels like that— I love them and they make me feel hot. I wear ’em to work once a week with jeans and top… makes me think I’ve got a booty 🙂

  7. OMG–I am dying of shoe envy! After a hip replacement and both knees replaced, my high heel days are over. A couple of years ago, I fell in love with some impossibly gorgeous heels, bought them, hatched a plan to carry them into a restaurant and discreetly change shoes at the table. Yeah, right, forgot that I might need to get up and find the restroom. Have a great weekend. Go Patriots!

  8. Fun!
    My husband wore he newly knit BSU socks to work yesterday! In our town, no matter where you work, Friday is BSU day during football season. It’s really not crisp enough to justify wool socks, but what a hit they were – he even cuffed his pants to show them off all day!

  9. Those shoes would look fabulous with my dress for the wedding, but sadly I just can’t walk in shoes like these. They are stunning though for sure!

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