Last Friday while at the conference I happened to look up at just the right…
Eye Candy Friday
I know this isn’t my typical pretty shot for a Friday but, well, there’s a big game this Sunday and I figure it’s appropriate. Go Pats!
Have a great weekend, my friends! It’s a long one for me thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, so I will see you here on Tuesday.
And again, Go Pats!!
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That right there might be just the thing to bring the boys some luck! Remember, it’s only weird if it doesn’t work 😉
Super Bowl!? I haven’t heard anything about it, but if I’m wrong, you need to forgive this non-football watching’ grrl. Dale looks happy and joyful!!
Yes, there is a big game on Sunday. It’s a shame the Pats are going down! ;^) Go, Broncos!
Love it! Can’t wait until Sunday!
Kudos to Tom Brady for also having the nerve to wear one of those hats with the floofy pompom in public. Does anyone else think he looks like one of those feckless 4th graders who always get their hat snatched off on the playground during recess? Sorry for the snark, but everytime I see him wearing that hat on TV, that’s what I think!
what a fun Friday photo! I have to say, I did know the Patriots were still in the game…but I had no idea who they were playing until I read the comments here. enjoy your long weekend and I hope you have something to celebrate!
What isn’t pretty about that?
Radio silence is the better part of valor fo today!
I think Jo, is right. But, nice game. Good to see two teams able to scrap and not have to play dirty. I do have open seats for my SuperBowl party, if you’re not busy that day. ;^)
Such a depressing day… The Pats were my only hope since none of the NY teams made it. Oh well. Olympics start in a couple of weeks, thank goodness!
There’s always next year . . . (I know that doesn’t help the disappointment, but, well, it’s true.)